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Monday, July 13, 2009

Hitman's PSG-1 Simple Guide

Get to know your weapon.
There are a few tricks with the PSG1. Before doing these i suggest you dont practice in a public game. Ask a freind to help you in a private room.

Here are some things you should know about your rifle.

When you are switching weapons and you must take out the enemy quickly, there is a small glitch. When you bring up your rifle, right before your hand goes to load the gun you are able to fire. Most
people don't know about this.

Know Your Aimpoint :If you want to be a great quickshotter or jumpshotter, you must know you aimpoint. The aimpoint is the middle of the screen. When you have you sniper out, and un-zoomed, you will have no cross-hair. Where the cross-hair is supposed to be is the aimpoint. If you get to know this spot enough then you can eaisily take out enemies with the quickshot. For starters u suggest using a peice of tape on the screen.

The Glitched Reload : Ok, so your reloading your sniper. your secondary weapon is out of ammo. What do you do? You quick reload! This does not completly take out reloading time and works with almost any gun. All you do is simply start to reload your gun, and when your hand reaches up to pull the bullet loader back, you switch weapons quickly, to your secondary weapon and back.

Know your role.

Know Your Role : You are a sniper. Many people think of a sniper being a camper and just sitting there shoot at the same target over and over again. NO. You must run around. Just down run into the middle of a spray fight. Or if you see an enemy sniper, make shure the coast is clear and hide behind something. If you see a couple people in a spray fight, help them out, steal their kill. If there are remaining enemies, just pick them off. If you see an enemy sniper, Only come out from behind you cover when you are going to shoot. I suggest hiding behind boxes, like the ones in shanghai that you can only see your head. This gives you a huge advantage.

Techniques and Pro Styles.

Here are some techniques that i use.

The Quickshot : This teqnique is simple but requires much knowledge of aiming and aimspots. If can aim extremely well, and know where the middle of the screen is, i suggest you use this. If you see a sprayer, and hes comming around a corner take him out with a simple quickshot. All you do is aim at the head or the chest, zoom in quickly, shoot, and zoom out. If you are lucky, the shot will register as a 1 hit kill, and you on your way down the little brick road of success.

The JumpShot : I advise you not to use this teqnique. Since ijji's version is different from the korean's, jumping just slows you down. This just makes you a sitting duck. So forth that i wont even explain the skill.

The Oboe Shot : This is a skill not many people know of. You simply crouch and jump at the same time while staying still. This confuzzles you enemy and give you that extra accuracy. You need some skill for this shot to aim down while you Oboe.

The Crouch Walk/Shot : I use this alot, And so do others. You can simply walk a tad faster but with no sound just by tapping the crouch button and holding down forward. Also crouch when you shoot. It gives you way more accuracy.

The Walking Shot : You sniper rifle loses accuracy when you walk. not. The bullet actually goes the a tad to the opposite way you are strafing to. Say you are strafing left. You must aim to the left of the target so the bullet will hit the person.

Thanks for Reading my Guide! I will make more soon.

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